
| 来源:网友投稿



  Life is strong but also fragile. There is only one life, only one... On Wednesday afternoon, the school organized an activity to promote "care for life". I was stunned by the vivid examples and bloody scenes... The case that impressed me most was a child who was engulfed by a speeding truck due to crossing the road, The bloody picture was shocking. Two legs were pressed under the wheels of the truck, covered with blood. Half of the body was under the belly of the truck, and the tender face showed a painful expression. Two arms were powerless on the ground. The blood stained the asphalt road and soaked people"s hearts. The child is only six years old. For him, life has just begun, and he has not yet realized too much wonderful life. A fresh life, a rising sun, evaporated from the beautiful earth in that short moment, and disappeared forever. It"s very sad, but it"s also very angry. Because there are no parents around the boy, there are no parents who should be there. I can"t help asking: "where are the parents of the children? Don"t they know that it"s very dangerous for a six-year-old to cross the road alone? " This is a lesson of blood, but also to the world"s parents sounded the alarm, but also for mankind sounded the alarm!

  With my eyes closed, I can imagine how the families of the victims were devastated, how they complained about injustice, how many happy families lost their laughter and how many children lost their source of happiness. The occurrence of a tragedy is unpredictable, the beginning of a tragedy is something people don"t want to see, and the extension of tragedy is endless. Life is something that should be taken care of all the time, but people always ignore it and regret it when they lose it. Caring for life and cherishing life should be the concept that everyone should have in mind at all times. It is those little carelessness and laxity that make tragedy come into being and make life disappear... Life is fragile and needs protection and careful care. Life is precious. If you lose it, you will never have it again. At the same time, life is fair. If you do wrong and lose it, it will not give anyone a chance to come back... Human beings, How many lives have passed away has sounded the alarm for us, how many tragic stories should let us reflect, it"s time for us to build the defense line of life!






















  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Byron once said: a pessimist is still alive and dead; An optimist never grows old. We should be optimistic about life and learn to love life.

  In the real society, most people"s life is full, they have their own goals, have their own dreams, let the youth glow. They are struggling to change their destiny.

  Society is cruel. On the road of life, some things we can not change, only optimistic face, even if the failure, will not regret.

  There will be some people with negative psychology around us. In the face of something, we always see the negative side first, so that our emotions reach the lowest level. Such a pessimistic face of life, even if it is successful, will not leave people a bright smile. In people"s eyes, they are serious and always prepare for the worst. They forget the meaning of life, forget to experience the happiness of life, what is the meaning of such a life?

  People who are optimistic in the face of life often bring happiness to the people around them. Even if such people fail temporarily, they can not represent permanent failure, because their past failures will shape their future success.

  Maybe we often ask ourselves why we live. We may have different answers, for ourselves, for our family, for our friends who are struggling with you. The process is often difficult, but we have to hold the idea that the future is bright, face life, face youth life, take out the courage to fight forward boldly, this is the meaning of our life.

  There are many people who only pay attention to the results, not the process, but I think the process is often more important than the results. It can only be said that it is accidental that we have achieved hard won success without paying anything. After the storm, people who have tasted the ups and downs can realize the sweetness of life. Only experience such a life, success is inevitable.

  Learn to love life, maintain an optimistic attitude, be a real self, have the courage to work hard and live a wonderful life.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Love life, you will feel the beauty of nature;

  Love life, you will feel the joy of the world.

  Love life, you will feel a bright future, passion, and motivation.

  Ostrowski, the former Soviet writer, was paralyzed and blind because of the severe war. However, he has withstood the test and tempering of life. With lofty ideals, tenacious will and love for life, he wrote a famous work that moved generations, that is, how steel was tempered. "Only people like me who love life, struggle and the construction of a new and better world madly, and those of us who have seen through and understood the full meaning of life, will not die casually, even if we have only a little chance to give up life," he said

  But what about some people? Don"t such people feel ashamed when they lose confidence in life, feel that their future is bleak, and want to die and live?

  Is it worth it to have a healthy and well-developed college graduate who just wants to die with his lover because he is lovelorn? He abandoned life, and life abandoned him?

  A good life always belongs to those who love life!

  People who love life will become a success! Life is not a cup of wine, nor a smooth sailing ship, nor a lyric song. Life is full of ups and downs, joy and pain, happiness and misfortune. However, it is because life is full of five colors that people feel challenging and competitive. Life is always far away and belongs to the strong. The strong is the successful person.

  Love life, it will make you smarter, more mature, will exercise you towards success.











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